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About Angie

Equine Studies
Angie is a faculty member and equine expert at Horse Courses Online Classes:
Rev Up Your Dressage Scores and Dressage: A Foundation for All Disciplines. is the world's leading provider of online college and university equine study degree and certification programs. It is the internet extension of Success Is Easy, an equine education/information publishing firm established in 1978. Equine Studies Institute is the private administrative entity which grants and records "certification" as well as approving continuing education submissions.
Breyer State University is a fully accredited member of Education International. Affiliated with nine colleges and universities, the HorseCoursesOnline faculty is comprised of award-winning horsemen and women with an average of 23 years of teaching experience. can choose the best of the best as instructors since it is not limited by geographic boundaries.
The text for each course has been written by the course instructor, and is updated whenever new information or techniques become available. Many of the books written by our instructors are used in the classrooms of other college programs. Our instructors are regular contributors of articles to horse publications, participate in the showing of horses and are guest speakers at educational clinics and seminars.
Care to study on your own? Visit the following articles that Angie has pulled together for you.
Dressage & Sport Horse Magazine: Building the Athlete Through the New Basics
Practical Horseman: 14 Training Tips from Olympian Carl Hester
The Chronicle of the Horse: How to Make a Grand Prix Horse
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